

  • Two hours of shooting on location
  • 10 edits of client’s choice
  • Client owns rights to images
  • 2 hours of shooting and as many locations and outfit changes that are allowed for that time frame. Rights to images, print when and where you want.
  • Please see bottom of page for more information regarding session.

Helpful Information

Clothing:  Bring at least 3-6 outfit choices to photo session.  If you want you may bring more but typically a Senior wears up to 3 outfits.

Before we start, we look through clothing and consider which outfit is best for different poses and areas at the location.

As far as colors and patterns – wear what you feel great in.  

This is a portrait about you during this time in your life and it should reflect your style.  However, include an outfit that Grandparents/relatives may appreciate a portrait of you in.

Clothing should be properly fitting, clean and ironed if needed. 

Pinterest is a great source for clothing ideas and suggestions.

Spandex is helpful under skirts and dresses for comfort during poses. 

If you have an outfit that is sleeveless or bare shouldered, it is good to have a jacket or sweater to add to it for some of the photos to mix it up. 

Most locations do not have appropriate places to change so 99% of kids change in their car.  Some kids bring a sheet and have a friend or parent help them to achieve privacy.

If you wear make-up, bring it with you incase you need to touch up. 

Bring a hairbrush or comb.

If you wear your hair short, have it cut at least a week in advance to avoid tan lines around hair lines.

Also be mindful of sun exposure before session.  Sunburned faces are hard to cover with make up or fix during editing.

Feel free to bring a parent and/or friend.  The Senior should feel comfortable and have fun during the session or at least feel it was better than a trip to the dentist!

Please do not hesitate to call with questions.